

pip install karrotcapital.spiderswap



First, initialize the 'Spiderswap' class with your API key.

from karrotcapital.spiderswap import Spiderswap

spiderswap = Spiderswap(ApiKey);

Method: get_quote


The 'get_quote' method retrieves a quote for a token swap, converting the amount to lamports and the slippage to basis points (bps) before making the API call.


  • 'from_mint' (str): The mint address of the token being swapped from.

  • 'to_mint' (str): The mint address of the token being swapped to.

  • 'amount' (float): The amount of the 'fromMint' token to swap, in lamports.

  • 'slippage' (float): The acceptable slippage percentage for the swap, in basis points (bps).

  • 'provider' (str): The liquidity provider.

  • 'from_mint_decimals'(int, optional): The decimal places for the 'from_mint' token (default is 9).

  • 'to_mint_decimals'(int, optional): The decimal places for the 'to_mint' token (default is 9).


'Promise<quoteResponseMap>': A promise that resolves to a 'quoteResponseMap' object containing the quote data.

'quoteResponseMap' Type

class QuoteResponseMap(TypedDict):
    inputMint: str
    inAmount: float
    outputMint: str
    outAmount: float
    minimumReceived: float
    slippage: float
    priceImpactPercent: float


async def get_quote():
        const quote_data = await spiderswap.quote.get_quote(
            1,            # Amount in tokens
            0.5,          # Slippage in percentage
            9,            # from_mint_decimals
            9             # to_mint_decimals
        print(f"Quote data: {quoteData}")
        return quoteData
     except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


Implementation Details

This method converts the 'amount' to lamports and the 'slippage' to basis points (bps) before calling the 'get_quote_raw' method to fetch the quote data from the API. It then converts the amounts back to their original units and constructs a 'QuoteResponseMap' object.

Last updated